There are some PRs (bug fix) need to be merged in this release, like 

发件人: Kevin Su <pings...@apache.org>
日期: 星期二, 2022年3月22日 下午12:40
收件人: u...@submarine.apache.org <u...@submarine.apache.org>, 
dev@submarine.apache.org <dev@submarine.apache.org>
主题: [VOTE] Submarine-0.7.0-RC0 is ready for a vote!
Hi folks,

Thanks to everyone's help on this release. Special thanks to Kuan-Hsun Li,
Shou Liu, Yu-Teng Chen, Lisa, Charles, Chi-Sheng Liu, Liang-Chun Chen,
Yu-Tang Lin, Ken Chu, You Ting Wang, Brandon!

I've created a release candidate (RC0) for submarine 0.7.0. The
highlighted features are as follows:

1. Submarine agent - it will directly update pods status in the DB, and
reduce submarine server overhead.
2. Support deploying model through workbench
3. Upgrade default Kubernetes client API
4. Improve workbench UI/UX
5. Submarine CLI

For more information about this release, check here

The RC tag in git is here:
The RC release artifacts are available at:

The Maven staging repository is here:

My public key is here:

*This vote will run for 7 days, ending on Mar 22, 2022, at 11:59 pm PST.*

For the testing, I have verified the

1. Build from source, Install Submarine on minikube
2. Workbench UI (Experiment / Notebook / Template / Environment / Model
3. Experiment / Notebook / Template / Environment REST API

My +1 to start. Thanks!

Kevin Su

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