On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Hyrum K. Wright
<hyrum_wri...@mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
> We need a website at subversion.apache.org.  We've put up some placeholder 
> pages, and I recently
> started playing with an Anakia-generated site in it's place.  I've come 
> across a few questions, and they
> are thus:
>  * What information should be presented?
>  * How should we present the information?
>  * How do we glue the two together?
> The first question is about content, the second about style, and third about 
> how we should generate
> the site (manual editing, templating mechanism, etc.)  I've got some ideas 
> about where to shift the
> content, but I've no eye for style at all.  As for the third point, I've 
> spent some time playing with Anakia
> (as recommended by the Incubator), but it's kinda unwieldy.  In any case, I'm 
> interested in what others
> think.

I have not had to do a website like this in years as I've usually been
doing Java web stuff or like what you have on hosting sites.  It is
not clear to me why we need a generator though.  Most of the look and
feel would just come from style sheets.  It seems like there must be
something we can do either in the style sheets or with server-side
includes or something to stick the standard navigation on each page.
That seems like the only bit where a generator helps.

Back in November, I think, we tossed around some example sites that
looked good and worth copying.

http://felix.apache.org is one I remember that was nice and clean.
They generate their site from the wiki though and I do not think we
want to do that.  But we could still use their styles and just come up
with our own way to do the navigation stuff.

I think we had some of the same content discussions back then as well,
but I would like to see us spend a little more effort on user-facing
information.  A little evangelizing and features, where you get
binaries etc.  Of course all the stuff you are already putting up
there is needed to.  I take it as a given we will figure out the
developer parts we want without problem.


Mark Phippard

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