> On 08/07/2010 12:18 PM, Greg Hudson wrote:
> > My thinking about repository configuration is that the uses cases
> > should be divided into two categories:
> >
> >   1. Stuff that isn't really client configuration at all, like
> > auto-props, should come from the repository instead, and should
> only
> > come from client configuration for compatibility.
> >
> >   2. Stuff that is client configuration should only come from
> client
> > configuration.  Client control is not legitimate business for an
> open
> > source product, though it could be the business of a proprietary
> > value-added fork.
> Are you saying that client control isn't legitimate because of some
> fluffy open-source principle that checks that right at the door, or
> because of the practical impossibility due to the fact that the
> client source code is available for modification and recompilation?

The latter. I see no problem having it baked into the client. But, the fact 
that it is open source makes it easy for someone to get a client that doesn't 
respect repository settings.... so it isn't practical to list it as a 
[trustable/secure/enterprise level] feature unless perhaps svn was creating 
signed binaries and a repo could be set to only work with such a signed binary. 

Imagine the feature list:

o Repository/Server enforced client settings assuming a client that supports 
this feature is used. 

I'm not sure that will work. But if you said something like:

o Repository/Server declared client settings enforced at the server is possible 
without the need for script hooks.
   (It is not possible to enforce client side password storage, blah blah)

I think the later is more practical. I am certainly no open source purist.

> The foremost bit of client configuration that CollabNet's
> Subversion customers are demanding (besides auto-props, which I
> think we all agree on) is a way for the server to set a policy
> which dictates that clients may not use plaintext or other insecure
> password storage mechanisms.  I claim it's ridiculous to propose
> that we need a custom fork of Subversion, Subclipse, TortoiseSVN,
> AnkhSVN, etc. -- all just to bang in this feature.

I agree with you. See above. 

> What, then, do
> you propose?  Do you use server-side configuration to demand, say,
> client certs (which you still can't guarantee are passphrase-
> protected, right?)?

I think my point here is that you can't guarantee anything on the client side. 

> Do you rip insecure password storage out of Subversion altogether?

Perhaps, although I'm still not sure that solves the problem. There are several 
tools like multi-clip board apps and such that will still allow a user from 
doing stupid stuff. 

Also, hasn't the svn team taken the stance that it's a version control system, 
the best a malicious client can do it commit stuff... no data in the repo can 
be lost. Granted, that is a fall back. 

If we are strictly talking about security here, which we aren't, I think there 
are also ways to secure access to the repository outside of svn security like 
VPNs, network security, etc.


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