Thanks for the update, Julian.  Great that you were able to make progress at
all on such a difficult problem; bummer that Reality showed her dark side.
But, as you said, it's version control -- nothing is ever really lost!

On 08/18/2010 08:11 AM, Julian Foad wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-08-18, C. Michael Pilato wrote:
>> What's the status of obliterate?
> Heh.  I started down a path that looked promising initially but became
> ever more difficult.  The parts that are checked in are the easy parts -
> hook script support and some ability to remove node-revs from the
> repository in only a really trivial case that's not often useful.  Now
> that I'm concentrating on the essential WC-NG task, reluctantly I have
> left this work aside.
> Philip Martin had a good idea for doing a simpler kind of obliteration,
> tried out on the "obliterate-like-deltify" branch, which works in what
> it does and appears to be more likely to be feasible to implement fully.
> That certainly deserves more attention.
>> I get the sense that it exists in our codebase, for all practical purposes,
>> in name only.  If that's true, and if that's the state it's expected to be
>> in when 1.7 ships, then I'd really, really like to just see the feature not
>> ship at all.  We don't have to can all the code, but certainly de-publicize
>> the lot of it (no pre-obliterate.tmpl hook creation, no obliterate-related
>> public APIs, etc.)
>> Some might say I'm letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, here.  I'd
>> disagree, but openly admit that I'm trying to let the tolerable be the enemy
>> of the barely-working.
>> But maybe I'm misremembering the current utility of the feature?
> You're about spot on.  It's not in a fit state to release and I'm no
> longer working on it.
> I'll go and pull the existing code out some time in the next few weeks.
> We can always resurrect any parts of it that we want to work on again.
> - Julian

C. Michael Pilato <>
CollabNet   <>   <>   Distributed Development On Demand

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