On 28.08.2010 02:37, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 01:20:31PM -0400, Bob Archer wrote:
>> Or, if not, the user can do a new checkout, and then use a compare
>> tool to apply your pending changes to your new WC. This means, don't
>> auto-update a WC that has pending changes in it.
> There won't be any auto-update, I think. The plan so far was that users will
> have to issue an "svn upgrade" command to upgrade the working copy.

Hmmm, in that case I understand even less why this feature should be
part of the regular svn binary. The point is that if we put "svn
upgrade" in, we have to maintain it indefinitely in the 1.x version set,
or at the very least until we release 1.9 and drop support for 1.7; and
we have to retain any special functionality that the feature relies on.

So I ask again, why not make this a separate program?

-- Brane

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