On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Erik Huelsmann <ehu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Their FAQ (http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q19) sure suggests that it's
> not wise to do separate inserts: the document says SQLite easily does
> 50k inserts per sec into a table on moderate hardware, but only
> roughly 60 transactions per second...
> That would surely point into the direction of using transactions when
> we need mass inserts! I'm not sure exactly where in our code these
> inserts should be collected though. Maybe one of the WC-NG regulars
> has an idea?

That has certainly been my experience with SQLite.  I was feeding in
several hundred thousand rows into SQLite (it was "pretend" instrument
data that I wanted to use for performance testing), and inserting them
inside a transaction made the difference between hours and seconds.
In fact, I had started the process before heading to the office, and
when I came back home 10 hours later, it was still running!


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