On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Ivan Zhakov <i...@visualsvn.com> wrote:

> I'm looking to memory usage issues in svn update/export/switch in
> ra_serf. And I come to question: what is the rationale of using
> 'skelta' update REPORT mode, and then sending many GETs/PROPFINDs
> instead of using send-all='true' mode and receiving all deltas and
> properties in one response? Does it make sense to implement
> send-all='true' mode in ra_serf?

Wasn't the original idea that the GET requests could be served by a
HTTP proxy in front of the server?  And also that running multiple
GET's at once would be faster?

I do not think the proxy has turned out to be a reality and it does
not work with SSL, so maybe not a bad idea.

We also have the SVNAllowBulkUpdates directive that we could let a
server admin use if they wanted the clients to use GET's because they
had a working proxy.



Mark Phippard

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