Hi Ash,

I noticed that "Remove pristine store or render optional" is considered a 
Non-Goal. If changes are made to wc-db in order to manage compressed pristines, 
it might make sense to ensure that the design can also handle optional 
pristines in the future.

The typical Subversion use case (code/text) will obviously benefit from 
compressed pristines. However, when storing binary files (e.g. graphics), which 
tend to be larger and less frequently modified files, optional pristines will 
likely be more beneficial. 

Thomas Å.  

On 22 mar 2012, at 08:15, Ashod Nakashian wrote:

>> ________________________________
>> From: Daniel Shahaf <danie...@elego.de>
>> To: Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> 
>> Cc: Ashod Nakashian <ashodnakash...@yahoo.com>; dev@subversion.apache.org 
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 2:08 PM
>> Subject: Re: Compressed Pristines (Design Doc)
>> Greg Stein wrote on Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 16:51:47 -0400:
>>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 16:11, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ashod Nakashian wrote on Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:19:02 -0700:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I'm happy to share[1] with you the design document for the Compressed 
>>>>> Pristines feature. The document is public and anyone can comment on any 
>>>>> part
>>>> I can't.  Can you please move the document to our wiki, or dump it in an
>>>> email to dev@, or on a pastebin, somewhere everyone canread it.
>>> I just opened it in an incognito window in Chrome. You should be able
>>> to access the thing.
>> Tried, I get as far as the doc title.  I don't see its contents.
> Daniel (and all who can't access the doc),
> I'm attaching the PDF and ODT versions with updates based on Greg's comments. 
> I'd like to hear all opinions and comments. Google docs is a fairly ideal 
> environment for live commenting and editing, so it's too bad that you can't 
> access the file.
> Please let me know if you have any notes/comments on the design. If you'd 
> like to use the ODT file for comments and edits, please mark your input 
> clearly and I'll update the Google doc with your notes.
> Thanks,
> Ash<SubversionCompressedPristinesDesign.pdf><SubversionCompressedPristinesDesign.odt>

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