On 17 apr 2012, at 11:47, Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com> wrote:

> Thomas Åkesson wrote:
>> I have not had time to follow the Inherited Properties thread completely, 
>> but 
>> this is kind of related. One could argue that if a user knows about the URL 
>> to 
>> /A/B/C/D, then what is the harm in letting him read the properties of the 
>> parent 
>> directories? A significant simplification at the cost of not being able to 
>> store 
>> secret stuff in directory properties (file properties would still be safe).
> We should be very cautious about proposing an apparently "simple" special 
> case like that.  A file has properties and text content; a directory has 
> properties and children; that's how it is in Subversion.  Saying that a user 
> should be able to read part of a directory (its properties) and not the other 
> part (its children) is breaking that relatively simple abstraction, and 
> breaking abstractions in that way makes complications for all other software 
> layers that try to build on top of the foundation, not to mention for the 
> users' mental models.  At first hearing, it doesn't sound like there could be 
> any major repercussions, but after a while I suspect we might regret it.

Julian, I tend to agree with your objections, as indicated by my cautious 
wording. I was pushing the envelope a bit since access control might be a 
significant hurdle for inherited properties. 

/Thomas Å. 

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