On 9 nov 2012, at 14:28, "C. Michael Pilato" <cmpil...@collab.net> wrote:

> On 11/09/2012 07:49 AM, Branko Čibej wrote:
>> On 09.11.2012 12:28, Thomas Åkesson wrote:
>> I'm currently doing the grunt work of implementing the collation (done)
>> and the LIKE and GLOB operators that we'll need (in progress). The next,
>> and biggest, step will be to review the client and WC libraries to make
>> sure that paths sent to the server always come from the wc.db, not from
>> disk.
> I'm not closely following this problem or solution, but how does the above
> play out for "svn import", "svn mkdir IRI", "svn delete IRI", etc?  (If this
> is documented somewhere, a reference by way of response would suffice.)


The draft proposes that the server does not discriminate any composition, apart 
from ensuring that creation of new name collisions is not allowed. 

Ensuring that paths come from wc.db applies to existing object. We can discuss 
whether Mac client should normalize to NFC, but that would be an option in my 

/Thomas Å.

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