On 28/04/13 10:24, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
Alan Barrett wrote on Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 09:44:11 +0200:
On Tue, 23 Apr 2013, Gabriela Gibson wrote:
Also, a minor design nit (sorry, no code review): The "---f1"
construct is something I've never seen before.

That's why I picked it --- I checked extensively, and no-one uses a
triple dash, so it does exactly what we hope it will: never interfere
with anything that people might do. Also, I think it looks quite
'unixy' and it's easy to read.  I expect fewer problems on windows.

Speaking as somebody who might use this feature, I would much prefer a
more familiar notation like "%(f1)".  To my eyes, "---f1" does not look
unixy or easy to read; familiar constructs are easier to read than
unfamiliar constructs.

In addition to the familiarity issue, there's an issue with escapes: you
need a way of representing a literal "---f1" sequence that does not
expand to anything.  With notation like "%(f1)" there's already a
widespread convention of using "%%" to represent a "%" character that
does not introduce an expnsion.

True.  However, both cmd.exe and the Subversion config file parser use
'%' as a metacharacter, and each of them escapes it differently, so the
way to generate a single, literal '%' character would be:

%%%%    in ~/.subversion/config;
%%      in the value of --config-option=... on unix;
^%^%    in the value of --config-option=... on windows;
%       not guaranteed to, but works in practice when not followed by either 
/[(]/ or /\w+[%]/.

That's going to be challenging to document clearly.

What about $(f1)?  That's also familiar (makefile syntax) but might be
a little saner to escape in various contexts.


P.S.  It appears our config files' %-interpolation feature doesn't kick
in for --config-option's argument.  I'm not sure whether that's a good
thing or not.


I meant to send the patch tonight and then, I realised I forgot to add
a feature that Julian Foad suggested.

However, I have a cunning plan to address the issue that Alan raised,
he has a good point that for plain usage, uniformity and conformity is

I hope this idea will fix the issues danielsh raised too -- might need
some polishing, then again, it might not be as useful as I hope it is.

Here is the current svn_io_create_custom_diff_cmd: (the guts will
change tomorrow, but it will do the same thing will stuff like +---f1
working added on.)

Current svn help diff output (for unix) is: (adjusted for email fit)

--invoke-diff-cmd ARG    :

use ARG as format string for external diff command  invocation.

 Substitutions: %f1 %f2  files to compare
                %l1 %l2  user defined labels
 Examples: --invoke-diff-cmd="diff -y %f1 %f2
    --invoke-diff-cmd="kdiff3 -auto -o /home/u/log \
      %f1 %f2 --L1 %l1 --L2 "Custom Label"
 The switch symbol '%' can be modified by defining an
 alternative symbol string, starting with a non-alpha
 numeric character.  Example:
   --invoke-diff-cmd="--- diff -y ---f1 ---f2

const char **
svn_io_create_custom_diff_cmd(const char *label1,
                              const char *label2,
                              const char *label3,
                              const char *tmpfile1,
                              const char *tmpfile2,
                              const char *base,
                              const char *cmd,
                              apr_pool_t *pool)

  apr_array_header_t * external_diff_cmd, *delimiters;
  const char ** ret;
  char * delimiter_prefix;
  char * default_delimiter_prefix;
  int  has_custom_delimiter, len, i, j;
  apr_pool_t *subpool;

  subpool = svn_pool_create(pool);

#ifdef WIN32
  default_delimiter_prefix = apr_pstrdup(subpool, "---");
  default_delimiter_prefix = apr_pstrdup(subpool, "%");

  external_diff_cmd = svn_cstring_split(cmd, " ", FALSE, subpool);

if (cmd[0] > 33 && cmd[0] < 43) /* user requests custom delimiter prefix */
     delimiter_prefix =  APR_ARRAY_IDX(external_diff_cmd,0, char *);
     has_custom_delimiter = 1;
     delimiter_prefix = apr_pstrdup(subpool, default_delimiter_prefix);
     has_custom_delimiter = 0;

  delimiters = svn_cstring_split("f1 f2 f3 l1 l2 l3", " ", TRUE, subpool);

  { /* add the selected prefix to the delimiters */
    char *s;
    s = apr_pcalloc(subpool, (1+
                              delimiters->nelts)*sizeof(char *));

    for (i = 0; i < delimiters->nelts; i++)
      strcat(s, delimiter_prefix);
      strcat(s, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, i, char *));
      strcat(s," ");

    delimiters = svn_cstring_split(s, " ", FALSE, subpool);

  ret = apr_pcalloc(subpool,
                    external_diff_cmd->nelts *
                    external_diff_cmd->elt_size*sizeof(char *));

  len = strlen(delimiter_prefix)+2;  /* f1 f2 ...  is always size 2*/

/* skip first entry of external_diff_cmd if the delimiter is customised */ for (j = 0, i = has_custom_delimiter; i < external_diff_cmd->nelts; i++, j++)
     const char * atom;
     char *c;
     int p = 1;

     atom = APR_ARRAY_IDX(external_diff_cmd, i, char *);
     c  = apr_pcalloc(subpool, strlen(atom)*sizeof(char*));

if (0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 0, char *), len)))
       strcat(c,svn_dirent_local_style(tmpfile1, subpool));
else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 1, char *), len)))
       strcat(c,svn_dirent_local_style(tmpfile2, subpool));
else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 2, char *), len)))
       strcat(c,svn_dirent_local_style(base, subpool));
else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 3, char *), len)))
       strcat(c, label1);
else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 4, char *), len)))
       strcat(c, label2);
else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 5, char *), len)))
       strcat(c, label3);
     if (0 == p)
       ret[j] = strdup(c);
       ret[j] = atom;
  ret[j] = NULL;
  return ret;


I meant to send the patch tonight and then, I realised I forgot to add
a feature that Julian Foad suggested.

However, I have a cunning plan to address the issue that Alan raised,
he has a good point that for plain usage, uniformity and conformity is

I hope this idea will fix the issues danielsh raised too -- might need
some polishing, then again, it might not be as useful as I hope it is.

Here is the current svn_io_create_custom_diff_cmd: (the guts will
change tomorrow, but it will do the same thing will stuff like +---f1
working added on.)

Current svn help diff output (for unix) is: (adjusted for email fit)

--invoke-diff-cmd ARG    : 

use ARG as format string for external diff command  invocation.

 Substitutions: %f1 %f2  files to compare
                %l1 %l2  user defined labels
 Examples: --invoke-diff-cmd="diff -y %f1 %f2
    --invoke-diff-cmd="kdiff3 -auto -o /home/u/log \
      %f1 %f2 --L1 %l1 --L2 "Custom Label"
 The switch symbol '%' can be modified by defining an
 alternative symbol string, starting with a non-alpha
 numeric character.  Example:
   --invoke-diff-cmd="--- diff -y ---f1 ---f2

const char **
svn_io_create_custom_diff_cmd(const char *label1,
                              const char *label2,
                              const char *label3,
                              const char *tmpfile1,
                              const char *tmpfile2,
                              const char *base,
                              const char *cmd,
                              apr_pool_t *pool)
  apr_array_header_t * external_diff_cmd, *delimiters;
  const char ** ret;
  char * delimiter_prefix;
  char * default_delimiter_prefix;
  int  has_custom_delimiter, len, i, j;
  apr_pool_t *subpool;

  subpool = svn_pool_create(pool);

#ifdef WIN32
  default_delimiter_prefix = apr_pstrdup(subpool, "---");
  default_delimiter_prefix = apr_pstrdup(subpool, "%");  

  external_diff_cmd = svn_cstring_split(cmd, " ", FALSE, subpool);

  if (cmd[0] > 33 && cmd[0] < 43) /* user requests custom delimter prefix */
     delimiter_prefix =  APR_ARRAY_IDX(external_diff_cmd,0, char *);
     has_custom_delimiter = 1;
     delimiter_prefix = apr_pstrdup(subpool, default_delimiter_prefix);
     has_custom_delimiter = 0;

  delimiters = svn_cstring_split("f1 f2 f3 l1 l2 l3", " ", TRUE, subpool);

  { /* add the selected prefix to the delimiters */
    char *s;
    s = apr_pcalloc(subpool, (1+
                              delimiters->nelts)*sizeof(char *));
    for (i = 0; i < delimiters->nelts; i++)
      strcat(s, delimiter_prefix);
      strcat(s, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, i, char *));
      strcat(s," ");
    delimiters = svn_cstring_split(s, " ", FALSE, subpool);

  ret = apr_pcalloc(subpool, 
                    external_diff_cmd->nelts * 
                    external_diff_cmd->elt_size*sizeof(char *));  

  len = strlen(delimiter_prefix)+2;  /* f1 f2 ...  is always size 2*/

  /* skip first entry of external_diff_cmd if the delimiter is customised */
  for (j = 0,  i = has_custom_delimiter; i < external_diff_cmd->nelts; i++, j++)
     const char * atom;
     char *c;
     int p = 1;
     apr_array_header_t pick;

     atom = APR_ARRAY_IDX(external_diff_cmd, i, char *);
     c  = apr_pcalloc(subpool, strlen(atom)*sizeof(char*));

     if (0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 0, char *), len)))
       strcat(c,svn_dirent_local_style(tmpfile1, subpool));
     else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 1, char *), 
       strcat(c,svn_dirent_local_style(tmpfile2, subpool));
     else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 2, char *), 
       strcat(c,svn_dirent_local_style(base, subpool));
     else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 3, char *), 
       strcat(c, label1);
     else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 4, char *), 
       strcat(c, label2);
     else if(0 == (p = strncmp(atom, APR_ARRAY_IDX(delimiters, 5, char *), 
       strcat(c, label3);
     if (0 == p) 
       ret[j] = strdup(c);
       ret[j] = atom;
  ret[j] = NULL;
  return ret;

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