On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Ben Reser <b...@reser.org> wrote:
> Has anyone considered backporting the Ruby 1.9 compatability to the 1.7.x 
> line?


FWIW I still haven't succeeded in getting Ruby 1.9 work on Windows
with VS2012 yet, despite making some headway (see
http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1487225).  For
recent release testing I've used 1.8.7 and VS2008.  I plan to dive
back into this again sometime this summer, but not in the short term.

Paul T. Burba
CollabNet, Inc. -- www.collab.net -- Enterprise Cloud Development
Skype: ptburba

> We've got distros shipping with Ruby 1.9 now (e.g. OpenSUSE 12.2) and
> not being able to build/use the Ruby bindings without upgrading to 1.8
> seems like a pain.
> I don't know enough Ruby myself to know if we can safely do this to 1.7.x.

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