On 14 aug 2013, at 20:47, Mattias Engdegård <matti...@bredband.net> wrote:

> 12 aug 2013 kl. 12.38 skrev Julian Foad:
>> Hi James.  I have one thing to throw into the mix, which you might be 
>> interested in looking at.  I experimented a few months ago with generating 
>> both the C help strings and man pages from an XML source file.  My patch to 
>> do this is attached; it is complete and and usable, although not finished or 
>> quite how I would want it.
> How about including the marked-up source in the svn binary (as C constant 
> strings) and do the rendering at run time, when the user does "svn help"? 
> Otherwise, it would be tricky to handle translations properly - the 
> translator must work on the marked-up text and it should be possible to try 
> out new translations without rebuilding the binaries.

Is that possible today?

> This has the extra benefit of allowing the help text to be rendered to the 
> width of the terminal and to (optionally) use terminal effects such as bold 
> and underline.

Given the verbosity of some help texts I definitely think the source format 
should not care about terminal width. It must be a major pain to translate 
given the line breaks? Whether the line breaks are introduced during runtime or 
build matters less, but the later the better. 

> The original could either live in a separate file, as in your patch, or as 
> actual C constants. In any case, it probably makes things a lot easier for 
> the translators if the text appears as strings in the same subversion.pot as 
> everything else.
> (Personally I would prefer something more light-weight than XML, but perhaps 
> it would give you an excuse to allow the --xml flag with svn help.)

Many recently developed software frameworks define their strings in XML because:
a) translation processes are well defined for XML, in a larger perspective 
since almost all documentation is done in XML (ok, not a great driver in this 
project except keeping svnbook up to date)
b) XML is so easy to transform into multiple distribution formats. 

I know there is a lot of resistance toward the heavy-weight XML, but authoring 
is actually where XML excels (as opposed to data interchange where lighter 
formats can be preferred). 

Thomas Å.

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