On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Stefan Hett <ste...@egosoft.com <mailto:ste...@egosoft.com>> wrote:


    (sending to dev rather than to user since it's still an
    unreleased tool)

    I just tried to do a test-run on another checked-out path from
    the same repository I already ran svn-normalizer on, but get a
    weird error which I don't understand the reason for... Maybe you
    have an idea?


    Scanning working copy E:/[projects]/SDKs ...
        Found mergeinfo on 16 nodes.
        Found 688 branch entries.
        Found 1472 merged revision ranges.

    Fetching log for ...svn:
    E160013: '/svn/E
    gosoft/!svn/rvr/198196/Foo' path not found

The only way that could happen is if the working copy refers to
a path that does not exist (anymore), e.g. because it got renamed.

As of r1696183, the tool should work as long as at least the
repository still exists and is accessible.

-- Stefan^2.
It's possible. Unfortunately I don't have the environment available anymore to confirm this was the case. Think I've to assume that was indeed the situation. Thanks for improving the handling
I just found a backup from that earlier state.
So the WC root was on E:\[projects]\SDKs and linked to the repository at (repo root is The URL is still valid on HEAD revision. So not sure what you mean by "the working copy refers to a path that does not exist". If you mean that some of the checked-out paths inside the WC are/were no longer present on HEAD in the repository, then this might be possible. If you mean that the WC path no longer existed on the repository HEAD then this certainly was not the case.

Anyway. Retested running the current version on trunk of svn-mergeinfo-normalizer and it now passes without problems in this case. So the fix/improvement seemed to work. :-)

Stefan Hett

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