

The code actually detects if the definition is in the old or new format and 
uses the same format to apply the pegging. 

See ‘make_external_description’ which uses 
‘svn_wc__external_description_format_1’ and 
‘svn_wc__external_description_format_2’ to handle the different formats.


(In the pre 1.5 format the ‘-r’ is interpreted as a peg revision)




From: C. Michael Pilato [mailto:cmpil...@collab.net] 
Sent: dinsdag 25 augustus 2015 17:07
To: Subversion Development <dev@subversion.apache.org>
Subject: New 'svn cp --pin-externals' feature compat question.


I was reading up on the new 'svn cp --pin-externals' feature in the 1.9 release 
notes.  Great addition, by the way, and one that I hope to use myself with 
ViewVC's release tags.


One question came to mind, though.  The use of the feature appears to result in 
pegged externals definitions (as in, @-bearing URLs).  That's great and 
obviously the correct approach.  But if I recall correctly, this means that use 
of the feature will cause the copy's externals to be written in a way that 
older (pre-1.5) clients do not understand.


Is that correct?  If so, I think that's a fine limitation to have -- no 
complaints at all here.  But perhaps this merits a mention in the Compatibility 
section of the release notes?


-- Mike

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