Paul Hammant wrote on Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 22:23:25 -0400:
> In that page, there is a mention of 'ModMimeUsePathInfo' that can add
> properties transparently. One like it could optionally add a sha1 as a
> property and that be transient like svn:log, svn:date and svn:author.

Please don't worry about implementation details at this stage.  Adding
a per-file attribute is easy.  (It won't be like svn:log, however,
because that is a revprop, as opposed to a nodeprop.)

The real question is, what information you are asking to be provided.
Given the standard Greek tree (see subversion/tests/README), what would
be the outputs of «svn ls --xml ^/iota» and «svn ls --xml ^/A/»?

Are you asking for information to be provided for plain files?  For
symlinks?  For directories?  What is the value of the new attribute in
each of those cases?  If it's a checksum, is it the repository-normal
version or the keywords-expanded version (like ?kw=1 in mod_dav_svn, see
1.8 release notes)?

Don't worry about how the information would be encoded on the wire; just
about what information you would like to have on the client.



> Re the commands svn-ls and svn-info. They have an --xml flag already, and
> it would be cool if there was a way of adding select properties to that.
> Note that --xml and --show-item fight each other presently (and are
> singular).

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