
When performing following steps on my old Linux test machine (with slow hard disk):

- have a SVN working copy at /home/user/test
- sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server
- add following line to /etc/exports:
  /home/user/test *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
- start the NFS server:
  sudo systemctl start nfs-kernel-server.service
- mount the NFS share:
  sudo mount localhost:/home/user/test /home/user/test.nfs

and then open /home/user/test.nfs in SmartSVN 9.2 (using SVN 1.9 JavaHL binaries), adding/removing a file is very slow. It boils down to the call ISVNClient.getChangelists which takes ~8s on the NFS share (/home/user/test.nfs). First, I thought, it would be caused by the native-Java overhead calling the call-back ~11,000 times for my working copy, but when using the working copy directly (/home/user/test), the method just takes <1s though the ~11,000 times call-back invocations are still there.

My working copy has no local modifications, no untracked or ignored files, no changelists.

Is it expected that this method (ISVNClient.getChangelists) is so slow on a NFS share even if there are no changelists?

Best regards,
Thomas Singer
syntevo GmbH

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