Ping! Anyone? (I noticed this message had no response on the list so far.)

Marc, please let us know if you learnt any more about this problem.

- Julian

Marc Strapetz wrote:
One of our users is encountering following exception:

svn: Java exception
svn: Wrapped Java Exception
   (Native Method)
   at org.apache.subversion.javahl.remote.RemoteFactory.openRemoteSession
Caused by: org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Found invalid algorithm in certificate
Unexpected ASN1 tag

with Subversion 1.9.7. He writes that command line client works fine for him. It warns about the certificate not being "issued by a trusted authority" and then shows the expected "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?" question.

This happens on Linux.

Any ideas why command line client and JavaHL might behave differently here?

Note that the command line binaries are not identical to the JavaHL binaries, but both have been compiled from Subversion 1.9.7. Could this be a problem in our build process?


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