sebb AT ASF wrote on Tue, 28 Aug 2018 11:45 +0100:
> OK, so how do I do the merge?
> I tried using the following in a fresh checkout of the staging branch:
> svn merge ^/subversion/site/publish
> However it showed changes I have not made, so I am loath to commit them:
> $ svn -u st
>  M         1839421   roadmap.html
> M          1839421   quick-start.html
> M          1839421   faq.html
>  M         1839421   .
> Status against revision: 1839421
> Is this normal?

It's normal for publish to be ahead of staging.  Just do a cherry-pick
merge from staging to publish: 'svn merge -cN ^/.../staging' in a wc of
publish.  (A sync merge from staging to publish --- opposite of what you
tried --- might work too.)

Could you please use a log message of the form "* download.html..."?
That makes it easier for us to read the log later.  See previous log
messages for examples or <> for the
gory details.  Thanks!

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