Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> > +++ subversion/site/publish/.message-ids.tsv Fri Dec  7 12:29:56 2018
> > +# Message-ids of archived emails that are referenced by a svn.haxx.se URL.
> > +# Generated by tools/haxx-url-to-message-id.sh on 2018-12-07
> Could we run this periodically unattended?  We could teach the svn-role
> bot to checkout the site source, run this script and commit the results.
> The cron job would be —
> fn=publish/.message-ids.tsv
> cd ~/src/svn/site
> svn up -q
> tools/haxx-url-to-message-id.sh > $fn
> svn ci -m "* $fn: Automatically regenerated" $fn

I logged in to svn-qavm3 and added it to crontab of user 'svnsvn':

# Update our Haxx-URL-to-Message-Id map (a manual cron entry, for now)
0 4 * * * fn=publish/.message-ids.tsv; cd ~/src/svn/site; svn up -q; 
tools/haxx-url-to-message-id.sh > $fn; svn ci -m "* $fn: Automatically 
regenerated" $fn

More could be done, of course. Robustness: teach it to only accumulate new 
entries, and not to wipe the file when there's a network glitch. The other cron 
entries are managed by Puppet, so presumably this should be too.

- Julian

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