On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 11:29 AM Denis Kovalchuk
<denis.kovalc...@visualsvn.com> wrote:
> I think I have found an undefined behavior in the code that constructs ID for
> per-transaction DAG node cache.
> In make_txn_root() function, the txn variable of type svn_fs_fs__id_part_t *
> is passed to apr_pstrcat() function, leading to the undefined behavior.
> I can assume that originally it was planned to pass a textual representation
> of the txn, instead of passing the txn itself.
> Although ID is not used anywhere, except debug-only calls of
> svn_cache__get_info() and svn_cache__format_info() functions, the improper 
> call
> to apr_pstrcat() may cause a potential crash, etc.

Good catch!

This definitely looks like a bug, that was never caught because
apr_pstrcat() is a variadic function with NO type checking!!


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