On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 8:08 AM Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought the below post on dev@community.a.o might be interesting to
> whoever might be working on our website.
> Or see it in the archives with possible followups:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r5b6538a600f7e8ad1a7c31d2b1881882fea190b80930e51a591f500e%40%3Cdev.community.apache.org%3E
> (If you're interested, such topics come up once in a while on
> dev@community.a.o, so do subscribe there if you want to find out more
> / want to engage some more with the wider ASF community)

I've created a branch of the website called staging-ng and I've begun
to do some work there. The goal is to give the site a newer more
modern look, support mobile, and make it easier/faster to find key
pieces of information with less reading and fewer clicks required,
while keeping it as easily versioned html/ccs. There isn't much
progress to show yet because I spent most of the time studying other
ASF sites, other F/OSS project sites in general, and then the Press
Release and more recent work/testing for 1.14.x has taken up my time.
But I haven't forgotten.

On principle, I agree with the idea in the above quoted post. I'll
take a look at that list. Thanks for mentioning it and posting it


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