
I'm looking at build-svn-deps-win.pl (in tools/dev) and I have a number of
problems which I'm hoping to address in the near future:

- The download URL for AWK now return 404. I'm suggesting to replace it
with http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/gawk-bin-zip.php (this will
require a bit of adjustments in the script since the download is now a ZIP
file, but I believe I have this running). Does anyone have a better idea
where to get a compiled AWK for Windows?

- I'm using Visual Studio 2022 which doesn't seem to contain the
vcupgrade.exe program. The following seems to work, but I'm not a Perl
expert. Can someone advice if I'm doing anything particularly stupid?

  # using the vcupgrade command here because it has a consistent name and
  # numbering across versions including express versions.
  # however it doesn't exist in Visual Studio 2022, so try it but fall-back
  # to devenv in case of failure.
  my $help_output = "";
  unless($help_output = `"$VCUPGRADE" /? 2>NUL:`) {
    unless($help_output = `"$DEVENV" /? 2>NUL:`) {
      die("Neither $VCUPGRADE or $DEVENV was found in path. Unable to
detemine\n" .
          "Visual Studio version. \n");

- The dependencies are quite old. I'm planning to upgrade these whenever
possible, but I'll do that step by step when I get the build going.

Kind regards,

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