> On Nov 1, 2023, at 12:14 PM, Daniel Sahlberg <daniel.l.sahlb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> *dropping jmeter/couchdb/oo and adding mechtilde*
> Den ons 1 nov. 2023 kl 19:37 skrev Dave Fisher <w...@apache.org 
> <mailto:w...@apache.org>>:
> The OpenOffice project wishes to update the Pootle server 
> (translate.Apache.org <http://translate.apache.org/>) that we share to 
> translation software that is maintained. Pootle development stopped over four 
> years ago.
> Please let OpenOffice know if you still use the service and if you do would 
> you like to cooperate on the upgrade?
> This seems to be an initiative from a user mechti...@apache.org 
> <mailto:mechti...@apache.org> to update the german translation. Last updated 
> 4 years ago. Mechtilde unfortunately doesn't seem to be a committer in 
> Subversion nor subscribed to the dev@ list.
> I downloaded quickly and there seems to be some translations of the help 
> commands (svn help etc.) that doesn't exist in our own repository, I think it 
> would be a nice addition but someone fluent in german should verify and it 
> would be great if Mechtilde would be involved in submitting a patch.

Mechtilde is on the OpenOffice PMC and has been running the Pootle server for 
years.for AOO’s many translations. If the limit of Subversion use is her 
translations then there is no real concern.


> Kind regards,
> Daniel Sahlberg

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