
I don't know about the policy for deleting unmaintained / no longer
relevant code, so I'm asking here first.

/tools/dev/iz/ (
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/dev/iz/) seems to
be a tool to extract issues statistics from IssueZilla (which I as far as I
understand was a CollabNet(?) customised(?) BugZilla instance). Last
relevant update was 2004, after that only Python3 and similar fixes.

Since we don't use BugZilla anymore: Anyone against deleting tools/dev/iz/

I think keeping old code for accessing old systems around will only cause
additional work for someone to look at "do we need to update this code
becaus of XX". If someone needs it, I heard someone mentioning version
control :-)

Kind regards,

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