On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, the mod-j and mod-k keys conflict with the open browser and open
> file manager shortcuts.
> Can I suggest the following patch?
>     ${mod}-i: | # launch a web browser
>       launch CONFIG['program']['browser']
>     ${mod}-m: | # launch a file manager
>       launch CONFIG['program']['filer']
>     ${mod}-n: | # launch a note taker
>       launch CONFIG['program']['editor']

Thanks.  Your patch is applied:


Feel free to totally rewire all shortcuts so they make more sense in a
QWERTY layout.  Don't be constrained by the defaults I chose (such as
mod-x for launching terminal).  Cheers.

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