On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:33 AM, hiro <23h...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Today I was forced to use the joe editor for java.
> In the search-and-replace dialog (see s in ed) joe seemed to change my
> input to upper case automatically. Eventually I found out it was just
> auto-completion. If you don't want auto-completion you can add rare
> characters and delete them when you are ready.

On a similar note, I recently installed Wine to play "Deus Ex", an old
favorite of mine.  It was great fun re-living my past gaming
experience, but soon the nostalgia wore off and my patience dwindled.
Back to work...

I was using the Epiphany browser to test some JavaScript in a web page
that I generated, when I accidentally pressed Control-U: the "view
source" command.  To my horror, *Notepad* (from the Wine package)
appeared on my screen!  Of all the text editors available on my
system, Epiphany chose Notepad as my default text editor.

> Perhaps I should hang myself...

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