2010/9/21 Wolf Tivy <wti...@my.bcit.ca>:
> I would like to change the way tag selection works in my dwm.
> The way I think it should work is if you press two (or more) tag
> select keysbefore you release one of them, dwm would select both
> tags. Likewise for tagging windows. I think this would make the
> tagging stuff much more usable and intuitive.

I'm not sure I'm understanding what you mean but I think you can
achieve that only changing your config:

#define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
        { MODKEY,                       KEY,      toggleview,           {.ui
= 1 << TAG} }, \

(n.b. toggleview instead of view)

You don't need to release modkey to toggle more tags, so there is no
much difference with what you are suggesting. The only "problem" I see
is that your previous tags won't be remembered, I don't know if that
is important for you. Maybe what you want is to always set tags and
not toggle them (how do you deactivate tags then?), for that you will
need to write your own function, but it is a simple matter of using
another boolean operator.

- yiyus || JGL . 4l77.com

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