On 06-19 22:55, Erik Hahn wrote:

I have done this the /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | shell way for years and found it to be way more resource intense then calling acpi -b.

Let's face it, the Shell/Perl/Python/whatever scripting is relatively easy, but very inefficient.

That's why I really like this approach:

On 06-20 10:43, Stefan Mark wrote:
But i think think this is a better solution:

Unfortunately, this promise is not kept:

This page will give you a barebone dwmstatus project and show examples on how to extend it to your needs.

It'd be cool to have a configurable C program to do what we're currently all scripting ourselves.

FWIW, my relevant part from .xinitrc: http://pastebin.com/ShQYQri1


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