+---------------------------------------- Connor Lane Smith -----------+

> I would invite you to try it first. We use unstable sorting just like
> before, which means "ba an" will match "banana" before "anbana", and
> it is very rare that you intend to actually match whitespace. (I've
> never needed to, ever.) With dmenu_run, for instance, do you have
> programs with spaces in the name? No. Do you have URLs with spaces in?
> It's unlikely.

i agree on url and program names, but i use whitespace match with grep
on plain text.

> So being able to avoid typing "gnome-vo" to get up
> "gnome-volume-control" (yeah, I have to use Gnome on one machine),
> instead you type "g vo". Want to match a URL on a given site? Instead
> of typing "hg.suckless.org/tabbed" (or typing "hg" and scrolling down
> 30 items), type "hg t". You have no idea how much more efficient this
> makes you.
> Give me a situation where literal whitespace is more useful than token
> matching...

i use dmenu only on url and program names, i used it for file names too,
but my files do not have whitespaces, and i agree that typing 'hg ta'
is much faster then 'hg.*ta', but i think one should not touch REGEXP(7)
in a single program that is part of a toolkit ... you know what i mean.

i am not talking about legacy support or change in general, i would
love it if dmenu would support REGEXP(7) patterns.

best regards, yoshi

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