On Thu 22 Dec 2011 04:36:55 PM PST, dtk wrote:
> I just cannot see how to do the stuff I feel I need with static
> layouts. And since I don't believe that manual layouts are what
> bloat wmii, I fail to understand why I cannot haz them :/ Worse, I
> fail to see why I'm the only one who wants them *lonely* -.-

Well, you're not alone.  I'm another WMII expatriate and I'm still
not completely used to DWM's lack of on-the-fly tag creation:
especially when some new random task comes up and all of my tags are
currently occupied.  I'm forced to go to the least important tag and
perform my new task there while tip-toeing around existing stuff.

The holidays are coming up, so maybe I'll finally write a patch. :)

The disks are getting full; purge a file today.

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