I did download st from suckless's github repo. I'll try with the st's hg
repo today.

I will also try sandy and see if it solves my problem.

Thanks, klr.
On Sep 23, 2012 5:05 PM, "Roberto E. Vargas Caballero" <k...@shike2.com>

> >    When I paste text into the terminal the text is formatted in a very
> >    strange way. It skips some new lines('\n') and removing
> >    some characters such as #(32) and some others. I'm not sure if it's a
> bug
> Are you using last version from the repository?. I ask you because some
> weeks ago there was a patch wich fixes some problems with copy/paste, and I
> don't know if your problem is the same or not.
> Best regards,

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