> the following instructions depend on hggit module being installed
> and enabled
> in hgrc. fyi
> export hg repo to github
> ========================
> $ hg log | grep ^user |sort -u |  sed -e 's, ,\t,g' |awk '{print
> $2="pancake <panc...@nopcode.org>"}' > map
> $ vim map # remove user: and set=value
> $ hg convert -A map . _new
> $ cat map
> pancake=panc...@nopcode.org
> $ cd _new
> $ hg push git+ssh://g...@github.com/radare/acr
> $ git clone git://github.com/radare/acr
> $ git gc --aggressive
> [ recreate remote repo]
> $ git push --all

You need some extra steps. For example git needs a blank line between the
sumary and the rest of the commit message, or in other case you will see the
full description doing a git log --oneline. I have this problem git st
repository now. It is necessary doing some git filter-branch and fix some
stupid things like these.

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