On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Roberto E. Vargas Caballero
<k...@shike2.com> wrote:

> - K&R
> - The practice of programming
> - The dragon book
> - The standard C library. P.J. Plauger
> - Lions book
> - The desing of the unix operating system. J. Bach
> - The art of unix programming
> - Let's build a compiler (this is a articles serie, but
>    there is a compiler version)
> - Linkers and Loaders , published by Morgan-Kaufman
> -  Termcap & terminfo

Some books remid me of suckless philosophy

> Ingenious ideas are simple. Ingenious software is simple. Simplicity is the 
> heart of the Unix philosophy.
> The more code lines you have removed, the more progress you have made. As the 
> number of lines of
> code in your software shrinks, the more skilled you have become and the less 
> your software sucks.

I think this also applies to books. Less pages usually means better quality.

For example:
-  "The little schemer" (recommended by pmarin <pacog...@gmail.com>
  On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 1:48 PM) is ingenious.
- K&R is nice. (A bit outdated though.)
- Dragon book is thick and complex (also outdated).

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