On 21 October 2016 at 10:01, Kamil Cholewiński <harry6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2016, Laslo Hunhold <d...@frign.de> wrote:
>> as an off-idea: How are startup-times of stali? Given the power of
>> machines today, there should not be many things limiting a startup in
>> just a few seconds. Any data on that?
> Oh just try it. I was truly amazed.
> From bootloader to login prompt in like a second? Wow.

Yes, on the pi3 it takes about 2-3s, but on a regular x86 machine it
should take <2s.

I've been arguing against MS Windows' misdesign to reboot the system
on configuration changes. But from a stali perspective I kind of
prefer rebooting the system for the prize of avoiding a daemon or
runlevel management. It's simpler and it also makes you "configuring"
a system less.

"Configuring" is always an indicator of suckiness.


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