
I was wondering what the suckless community thinks about various
projects aimed at Internet decentralisation and privacy - some of
which are listed here [0]. Are there any projects in this area that
are particularly promising from a suckless perspective?

My personal reason for asking is that I have the opportunity this
spring to get paid to contribute to an open source project of my
choosing, which has a "democracy-enhancing" (or preserving) effect. Of
course all Suckless projects are democracy-enhancing in a way, but for
this I'm looking at projects with more of a focus on societal impact
and the potential for mass adoption. Projects I've looked at include
IPFS [1], cjdns [2], and Tox [3].

I am a relatively inexperienced programmer, so I am eager to hear what
more experienced folks have to say on this matter :)



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