On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 07:52:28AM -0400, cinde...@hushmail.com wrote:
> Now, I'm having problems getting st, dwm, and dmenu to render fonts. 
> Specifically, I am trying to
> use terminus fonts, which I have used with suckless software for years. On my 
> new machine,
> though, these fonts (and all other fonts) dont render well. Instead, some 
> default font is displayed
> with spacing/kerning messed up so that letters overlap one another.

I had a similar problem, but was able to fix it with the following

char font[] = "xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:autohint=true:lang=ru";

The important part is to use "xos4 Terminus" instead of just "Terminus".
It's related to a fontconfig update a couple of months ago. Maybe that's
your problem.


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