On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 08:14:08AM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> >I say that coming from one of the best universities in France; I didn't have 
> >very much respect left for the word "scientist" when I left
> Same here. Exactly same! But they for sure are intelligent. One of the key 
> things in capitalism is getting tamed by the powerful. Majority of these 
> geniuses don't know how their work impacts the world! They get tamed by 
> people who work against their own principles just because knowing their 
> tamer's principles is difficult!
> >Now try bspwm
> Damn that's good! Very simple logic. But I'll stick to dwm for now. Check it 
> after a while.
> >Where would you say their capacities are lacking?
> Most don't have the logical abilities. Amongst ones who do, many don't want 
> to read in times of videos. They want instant gratification. For few it is 
> also about power. You suggest them to use dwm. They'll think they're above 
> you socially and won't use it. This maybe a bit biased but 1 thing I know for 
> sure, that people are far, very far away from using minimal systems.
> >The practical knowledge of computer science comes from experience in a 
> >consumer-driven, market environment. Academia is not that environment.
> +1.
> >A lot of people had a take for a user-friendlier dwm, you should try those, 
> >or similar wms with "battery pack included" like i3 or awesome.
> Again, I'm not talking about dwm specifically. i3wm is a single wm and while 
> it's good, I think suckless can target COMPLETE systems. It's philosophy is 
> great.
> >We believe this should become the mainstream philosophy in the IT sector. - 
> >On suckless site.
> This IT sector is constantly making things easier for people or atleast 
> making people believe it is. If suckless wants this to become mainstream 
> philosophy, it has to do itself. People don't wanna change especially when 
> computers are just the tools to achieve some end.
> If suckless makes it easy for people to use minimalistic systems, they will. 
> I shifted from complete windows to dual boot to complete GNU/Linux (Parrot 
> Linux) to Parabola (Plasma) to Parabola (dwm) in about 3 years. I can't 
> imagine shifting directly to current state. I would get frustrated and go 
> back to Windows if someone would ask me to get to this point from complete 
> Windows. But if there were tutorials explaning why would you use wm instead 
> of de, wm were a bit more beautiful, things would be much simpler. Plasma is 
> hands down beautiful! But it's very complex!
> Thanking you
> Sagar Acharya
> https://designman.org

> P.S. I'd love to contribute.

Whats stopping you from doing it?

Kind regards,

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