On Thu, 28 Apr 2022 08:34:36 +0600
NRK <n...@disroot.org> wrote:

Dear NRK,

> Recently noticed that the dwm and st logo was removed from their
> homepages[0][1].
> I was wondering if there's any specific reason for that, or if there's
> plan for a new logo(s)?
> I atleast really liked the current logos, as they reflect the
> simiplicity of the software quite nicely :)
> [0]: https://dwm.suckless.org
> [1]: https://st.suckless.org

I made the logos a few years ago and Hiltjo removed them recently. I
also liked them very much and would like to see them included again, but
respect that it's his discretion to remove them as he is the maintainer.

What do the others think?

With best regards


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