On 22/10/09 03:03AM, Laslo Hunhold wrote:
> Hello fellow hackers,
> does anyone have access to a machine running the latest macOS to test
> if the library installation for libgrapheme works properly? It wouldn't
> take much time and amount to the following steps:
>       1. Clone libgrapheme via
>               git clone https://git.suckless.org/libgrapheme
>       2. Modify config.mk (uncomment lines below macOS and unset
>          LDCONFIG)
>       3. Install via
>               sudo make install
>       4. Check /usr/local/lib and see which files were installed
>       5. Compile example (just take the example from the website[0])
>          with
>               cc -o example example.c -lgrapheme
>          and check results (does it need tweaking, etc. etc.?).
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> With best regards
> Laslo
> [0]:https://libs.suckless.org/libgrapheme/


Following the instructions worked for me on macOS 12.6.

ls /usr/local/lib/libgrapheme* gives the following:
/usr/local/lib/libgrapheme.2.dylib /usr/local/lib/libgrapheme.a

The example compiled successfully and the output is the same as on
the website.


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