
I cannot attest as to whether these follow suckless design philosophy,
but the following are voice related programs from a list on the topic
of FLOSS Educational Resources for Internet and Distance Learning:

Mumble is a free, Open Source, low latency, high quality voice chat
application. Mumla is an Android app for the Mumble voice conference
system. Mumble can handle 1000 concurrent users.

Jamulus software enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions
over the internet. Latest version can handle around 100 concurrent
users playing together. Hosts at least 50 concurrent users.

Sonobus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality,
low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a
local network. 12 concurrent users maximum.

As for screen sharing, you already mentioned Jitsi and there are some
programs that allow for collaborative editing.  Wouldn't consider any
of them lightweight or suckless.  You can find the list here:
https://lmemsm.dreamwidth.org/14124.html  I'd be very interested in
adding other options to it, if anyone has other software
recommendations for it.

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