On 22/11/26 04:06PM, Enan Ajmain wrote:
> Previous responders said:
>   o Maybe GMail doesn't allow sending emails without their web interface
>   o Gmail doesn't allow to use SMTP in a classic way (normal auth
>     with/without encryption).
> I can confirm that GMail does allow sending emails through other means
> (not only “git send-email”, but any email client).  But it is true that
> recently GMail removed the ability to use your the password of your
> Google account directly (remember “Less Secure Apps”?).  Instead you'd
> have to use either OAuth2 or an app-specific password[1].
> The relevant part of my gitconfig:
> [sendemail]
>   smtpServer = smtp.gmail.com
>   smtpServerPort = 587
>   smtpEncryption = tls
>   smtpUser = 3nan.ajm...@gmail.com
>   ; smtpPass = gmail app pass
> [1]: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?authuser=0
> --
> Enan
> 3nan.ajm...@gmail.com
> https://git.sr.ht/~enan/
> https://www.github.com/3N4N

It is possible to use gmail through another client but it's sort of a
pain. If your interested setting up your gmail with mutt I think it's
worth checking out luke smith's (mutt

I used it to set up my gmail very quickly.


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