- patch is disabled
- `dwm 2> ~/dwm.log` shows nothing

define command as

    static const char *dmenu_extend[] = { "dmenu_extended_run", NULL };

bind the command to a keyboard shortcut

    static Key keys[] = {
        MODKEY,                       XK_o,      spawn,          {.v = 
dmenu_extend } },

same config, revert to 89f9905 dmenu_extend just works.

On 08.04.23 21:45, NRK wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Apr 08, 2023 at 04:28:15PM +0200, p...@mailbox.org wrote:
> > I bind keyboard shortcut to launch dmenu_extended[1] in dwm, what works
> > flawlessly before the `Use sigaction(SA_NOCLDWAIT) for SIGCHLD
> > handling` [1] commit, since dmenu_extended does not change anything here,
> > is this a regression or bug introduced with this commit or
> > dmenu_extended need to adapt to conform the change? thanks.
> You'll need to provide more information. What does your config look
> like? Does dwm print any error message to stderr? Did you try to
> reproduce with a vanilla dwm? Etc.
> Without providing more information it's not possible to say what's going
> on here, especially because that commit doesn't really do anything to
> process launching. Which takes me to the question, how did you verify
> that it's this commit that's causing the problem?
> Because the commit right before it (89f9905 grabkeys: Avoid missing
> events when a keysym maps to multiple keycodes) seems like something
> that might actually mess with keybinds. (Try changing your
> dmenu_extended keybind to something else and see if that works or not).
> - NRK

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