> > On 23/05/11 04:03PM, wrote:
> > <troll message full of swearwords>
> How am I a troll, and more importantly: so what if you don't like
> swearwords? I
> also don't like many things about you, for example you being a little
> worthless
> snowflake.
> Sweardwords is literally just a list of words that are taboo-ed by the
> majority.
> I see no valid reason for me to stop swearing, unless this is like
> Facebook or
> some shit, otherwise get the fuck off, or ignore me.
> > This list needs moderation ASAP, otherwise it risks turning into another
> Reddit (which, for those who might not know, is a veritable cesspool).
> Moderation is literally why Reddit sucks ;).
> I said I was horny as a child, and I got banned for 'sexualizing children'.
> If you think that is a valid reason, then you are seriously mentally demented
> and a banana has higher IQ than you.
> Because of people like you YouTube is the way it is.. or at least for
> people like you* ;)
> If you think that YouTube is all nice and cool and "wow so for me", then
> you need to stop wasting my time and go consoome ShitTube until you die,
> censorship addict!

People able to implement routers and willing to work on unpaid open
source projects is a scarce resource.

I am not one of them (I have a banana IQ), but assume whoever is
choose to work with people not insulting them.

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