On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 01:28:03 +0300
Nikita Krasnov <nikita.nikita.kras...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thx! :D It is the first time I actually feel _clean_ when 
> using email. I don't know how much is it because of using 
> plain text or about actually talking to someone, but it's 
> the first time I feel like I'm using email as it was 
> intended to be used (aka not to simply receive one-time 
> confirmation codes or advertising).

You must be a young fellow. Welcome to the internet! The original internet, not 
the dumpster fire that is the "modern" web. This is how the net used to be, 
before Facefuck et al, when the masses had no computer/internet access or 
"smart" phones, and the net was a haven for people like us. IRC also used to be 
amazing, circa late 90s; nowadays it's a shadow of its former self. You've 
missed the best days of the internet, but as you can see, the fires of liberty 
are still kept burning in isolated areas, and history is cyclical; in some ways 
our best days are still to come.


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