On Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 4:31 PM Fernando <fernandoreyesavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking for a graphics editor that can:
> *use color
> *can draw basic lines and shapes
> *easy to build (like suckless programs)

As far as easy to build, I've built grafx2 (
http://pulkomandy.tk/projects/GrafX2 ) and LodePaint (
https://sourceforge.net/projects/lodepaint/ ) with no issues.  Both
use SDL.  LodePaint also uses OpenGL.  TuxPaint (
https://tuxpaint.org/ ) is another SDL based graphics program.
Another post mentioned MtPaint.  There's also rgbPaint (
https://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/rgbpaint.html ) by the same author.
I've built and use Xpaint on a few systems as well:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/sf-xpaint/  If you want a console
based option, I like GLE:  https://glx.sourceforge.io/

You could check if Raylib has any graphics editors designed to work
with it.  I did run across a minimal CAD program for Nuklear (
https://github.com/zecruel/CadZinho ).

Hope some of them are useful.

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