I've worked most of the things out. Almost there.

This is not for them. This is for you, the server host.

700,000 people, I will be very glad with such a market size. It is so true that 
people don't give a rat's ass about their privacy!

1 step at a time. Let us form the critical mass now that the fantastic suckless 
devs have created this beautiful resource. With AllWinner RISCV out, Genode OS, 
tinycc, musl, dwm, dmenu, mini_httpd, opensmtpd, prosody, abiword, gnumeric, 
GIMP, lua, all our functionalities are covered and we can certainly make 

Let us march forth, comrade!
Thanking you
Sagar Acharya

5 Jul 2023, 20:47 by d...@killthe.net:

> On Wed, 5 Jul 2023 10:23:57 +0200 (CEST)
> Sagar Acharya <sagaracha...@tutanota.com> wrote:
>> That is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. Capital is whatI lack. Soon I 
>> will be releasing Libre-Ads, a random non-targeted ads system specially for 
>> Freedom respecting people.
>> So self-hosters can self sustain and they don't have to beg for donations 
>> from companies who sell binaries and target ads.
> Dude, you are delusional. Plain and simple. 
> Self-hosting has been completely possible since the beginning of time. It 
> costs peanuts. And look what we have instead: Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, and 
> so on. Nobody cares.
> You think 99% of the population gives a fuck about "binaries" or "targeted 
> ads"? These are the people who happily use nothing but Microsoft malware or 
> systemd or whatever and give zero fucks about privacy or freedom. They have 
> their every bowel movement or uttered thought tracked via "smart" devices, 
> and they LOVE IT. Every single "thought" anyone in this "society" ever has is 
> programmed in their minds by some corporate or government entity, and each 
> and every one of these people is perched on the edge of their seat in 
> anticipation of the day when their "smart" devices can directly read their 
> minds also, so they can have a more intimate connection to their slave 
> masters. They're better than you and smarter than you and they're sure of it, 
> and you can't tell them shit. 
> You think ANYONE, particularly corporations who make all their money by 
> siphoning it out of the pockets of these people, collecting all of their 
> personal data and reselling it, while constantly brainwashing them to believe 
> whatever their owners want them to believe, give two shits about any "Libre" 
> ad system, or would have any use for that at all? 
> It's non targeted? Who the fuck wants that? The people who own this world 
> want everybody TRACKED, TARGETED, OWNED--and their slaves WANT to be TRACKED, 
> TARGETED, OWNED, with a slave collar around their necks. Hard truth. The most 
> merciful thing you can actually do for any of these pitiful fools is grant 
> them a quick death. Abandon all hope of reeducating or reaching anyone, other 
> than a select, tiny few. 
> If you believe that even 1% of 1% are interested in your dream of "self 
> hosting" anything, you are NOT living on the same planet as the rest of 
> humanity.

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