On Fri, 22 Sep 2023 17:08:15 +0200
Mattias Andrée <maand...@kth.se> wrote:

Dear Mattias,

> You can used make to run ./configure automatically, all you need to
> do is simply rename Makefile to makefile.in, let ./configure run `ln
> -s makefile.in makefile` and create a new file named Makefile
> containing:
>       .POSIX:
>       .DEFAULT:
>               ./configure
>               $(MAKE) -f makefile $@
> I think running ./configure isn't a big deal, however this technique
> is also very useful if you want to automatically generate rules and
> variables for Makefile. it's especially powerful because make(1posix)
> expressly states that `-f -` shall be interpreted as using stdin as
> the makefile.
> Extremely occasionally POSIX make can feel like it's not enough or at
> least not efficient enough (at write time or build time), and GNU
> make can fix these issues, however using this double makefile
> technique, all of these can be addressed (of course not always as
> nicely as non-standard features can). Just look at this beauty:
> https://codeberg.org/maandree/simple-icon-theme/src/branch/master/Makefile

thank you for your thoughtful response! I also considered this
solution, but noticed that it is extremely at odds with today's
packaging tools.

With best regards


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