+ dev@superset.incubator.apache.org

Hey let's use dev@ for this and everything else, I just rewired the Github
notifications to go elsewhere (notificati...@superset.incubator.apache.org)


On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 9:52 AM, Jeff Feng <jeff.f...@airbnb.com> wrote:

> Hi Jasmine,
> Meeting information for the invite is below.  You're on the meeting invite
> (12:15-1:30 pm Friday) according to my calendar - look forward to having
> you join the meeting and we can discuss the PRs, potential Apple visit and
> Apache Meetup then.
> Cheers!
> Jeff
> Agenda & Meeting Notes:
> https://docs.google.com/a/airbedandbreakfast.com/document/d/
> 1R8zKt8KCcOmKEdSHQshuj2DCChSyF41ehlqkRWOUDUA/edit?usp=sharing
> Note: For those attending in person, we'll meet at 12 pm and bring lunch
> back to the room. For those attending on WebEx, we'll plan to start at
> 12:15 pm.
> === * * * ===
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> NOTE: Meeting ID is only valid for this meeting and any repeating
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> new meetings.
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> 3bc
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> 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
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> [WebEx: 296967286]
> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Jasmine Novak <jasmine_no...@apple.com>
> wrote:
>> Sending again without InftrastructureAnalyticsProducts — seems that we
>> can’t send to that address and the email was returned. Not sure if it went
>> through at all…
>> —Jasmine
>> On May 3, 2018, at 9:45 AM, Jasmine Novak <jasmine_no...@apple.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff, and welcome Sylvia!
>> Sure, I can attend the meeting tomorrow. Would you mind sending the
>> dial-in/ webex info for that? I’m not sure I have the up-to-date info.
>> Yes, we are in the new spaceship! We really enjoyed seeing your cool digs
>> — so we thought this time you might want check out ours. Let us know, and
>> we can have our PM Jason set up the details.
>> Apache Superset meetup sounds great! Yes, please keep us in the loop for
>> that.
>> Thanks!
>> —Jasmine
>> On May 3, 2018, at 6:43 AM, Jeff Feng <jeff.f...@airbnb.com> wrote:
>> +Analytics Products Team and Vyl (PM Superset @ Lyft)
>> Hi Jasmine,
>> Thanks for reaching out and sharing the PRs with us. Sylvia (cc-ed) is
>> our wonderful new PM who has recently joined and will be guiding the team
>> on our Superset development efforts. We have our bi-weekly Apache Superset
>> meeting at 12:15 pm tomorrow and I would highly encourage you and/or your
>> team to attend so that we can discuss these PRs.
>> Also, thanks for the invite down to Apple!  Is this at the new spaceship?
>> ;-). Will let Sylvia and Team discuss from the Airbnb side.
>> Lastly, at our last meetup we decided that we’ll be hosting our first
>> ever Apache Superset meetup. Tentative plan is to host it at Airbnb with
>> the plan to rotate hosting locations. I’ll send out date options so that we
>> can maximize attendance from Lyft, Airbnb, Twitter and Apple.
>> Cheers,
>> Jeff
>> On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 9:55 AM Jasmine Novak <jasmine_no...@apple.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi superset folks,
>>> At our meeting, it was mentioned we should let you all know when we make
>>> PR’s. Below are a few we’ve recently submitted. We are running this code in
>>> our production currently. It would be great if you could please take a look
>>> and work with us to merge.
>>> We have more in the pipeline. I’ve implemented Dashboard level access
>>> control that we are currently using, along with a read-only role, to give
>>> limited access to certain dashboards. Also, a message header to report
>>> issues/info, and token level access for embedding charts in iframes.  I’ll
>>> make PRs for these once I get a chance to write tests, etc.
>>> Also, we were wondering if some of you would be interested in a visit to
>>> us down in Apple Park. We could discuss your road map, some feature ideas
>>> we have, and if necessary, details of the PR’s we will be submitting. Let
>>> us know if that could work for you.
>>> Thanks!
>>> —Jasmine
>>> PR’s we’ve submitted so far:
>>> Hide restricted ui elements, remove <br> from error message
>>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/4900
>>> Add transaction id's to druid queries
>>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/4876
>>> Add extraction function support for Druid queries
>>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/4740
>>> Add support for druid in cache flushing handler
>>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/4875
>> --
>> *Jeff Feng*
>> Product Lead
>> m: (949)-610-5108
>> twitter: @jtfeng
> --
> *Jeff Feng*
> Product Lead
> m: (949)-610-5108
> twitter: @jtfeng

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