This is helpful. Can the convenience release contain unaproved or unclear
licenses if they are explicitely laid out as per the package metadata?

I have found many of our JS lib have unclear licenses. Strings like "MIT or
GPL" or "BSD*" which when digging means something like "BSD with LLVM
clause". Seems like we'd have to spend a fair amount of time digging
through all this and asking maintainers for clarifications.

It seems like we may just have to bail on a convenience release.

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018, 2:15 PM Justin Mclean <> wrote:

> Hi,
> > For context, Superset ships as a Python [Flask] backend and a Javascript
> > frontend web app. Currently we distribute a package on Pypi that contains
> > minified Javascript bundles.
> Minified javascript may not be considered source code, which an Apache
> release must contain.
>  > From my understanding we can't really ship just our code or binaries and
> > have people fetch the rest of the deps and build/install it, can we?
> I don't see why not. Think of a typical Java project using maven, when you
> do a "mvn compile" it will go and download any dependancies that you don't
> have.
> > If that was the case, the Superset Apache release could really just be a
> > tarball with source and and an installation script that would fetch all
> the
> > deps and build the JS. Would that work?
> Sure as long as there clear instructions and the user would typically have
> the build tools needed installed.
> But even if you did do this, your convenience binary would still have to
> follow ASF licensing policy. [1]
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1.

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